Begun in China thousand of years ago, acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) have long been a custom familiar to Chinese and Asians alike. Born and raised in Vietnam, Richard Dang had personally experienced this natural healing medicine throughout his life. He not only received acupuncture and TCM treatments for his injuries and conditions but also witnessed time after time the efficacy of acupuncture and TCM had, on himself, his family and the people he has known.
Fascinated by acupuncture and TCM and having grown up in a family who practices medicine, Richard went on to fulfill his passion by studying and completed his Master Degree in Acupuncture and Chinese herbs at New England School of Acupuncture located in Watertown, MA. Since 2002, Richard has been practicing and managing his own clinic. Richard has been licensed by the Acupuncture Committee, Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine and nationally certified by the Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine – NCCAOM, Diplomate in Acupuncture.
Richard believes there is more than one approach to treating a disease or condition. He considers which is the most effective treatment for the current stage of that disease or condition as well as one’s response to the treatment. Along with the traditional Western medicine, acupuncture and TCM can be an alternative, a natural and holistic approach, and/or an integrated approach to many diseases and conditions.
With Richard’s experience and knowledge, he will assist you in restoring balance and harmony to an intelligent and powerful system of the human’s body and mind.
Call for an appointment today @ (508) 770-1077 or stop by the clinic for a visit and receive a complementary briefing of your condition(s).